




  • #
    Board Testing Instructions
    Frequency deviations in oscillators
    When using a crystal in the field it is possible to face a frequency deviation when the crystal is used in the oscillator circuit. Our downloadable presentation here is explaining the reasons and how to workout the correct load for the crystal to be used.
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    Oscillator parameters
    When a crystal units is used in an oscillator circuit one shall make sure that the oscillator has enough reserves to startup the oscillation under all conditions. These parameters called Negative Resistance and Circuit Margin need to be tested and calculated, how to do this is introduced in.
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    Quality Assurance
    A-Crystal is committed to provide high quality products and maintains therefore quality and management systems to ensure operations that can guaranty this. not only to our customers.





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What is the stability of a crystal oscillator?

The stability of a crystal oscillator refers to its ability to maintain a constant frequency over time and is typically measured in parts per billion (ppb). The stability of a crystal oscillator can range from a few ppb to as low as 0.1 ppb.

What is the temperature range of crystal oscillators?

Crystal oscillators can operate over a wide temperature range, typically from -40°C to +85°C or higher, depending on the specific type of oscillator.

What are the applications of crystal oscillators?

Crystal oscillators are used in a wide range of electronic devices, including computers, telecommunication systems, automotive electronics, and consumer electronics.

What is the difference between a crystal oscillator and a quartz oscillator?

A crystal oscillator and a quartz oscillator are essentially the same thing. A crystal oscillator uses a quartz crystal as its resonator, which is why the terms are often used interchangeably.




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